houghts on the pandemic - Part 1

THere it is, the worldwide catastrophe. No, not a third world war, not a meteorite impact, not (yet) a flood, no, small, invisible, deadly. What was fiction in "Outbreak, Silent Killers" has become reality. And not in Africa by an ape, no, the suspicion is directed at China - whether laboratory or market in Wuhan, at least the city seems secure.

In Europe, it was probably "Ischgl" that forced itself into the public eye as a hotspot and super-spreader location.

So far, so good! The facts are on the table! But do you think the first deniers are already on the mat? Remarkable from my point of view is that they are recruited from the same clientele as already at the time of the refugee crisis. And it won't be long before all the swindlers, Q-anons, scared people, drenched in "Third Way" and racist Nazis, supported by the blue victim role party, take to the streets and spout their mental diarrhoea.

It's unbearable, and if you speak out about it, you'll get the lying press or supposedly reputable sources you've never heard of in your life slapped in your face. The net mutates into a cesspit, money vultures earn a fortune as so-called experts, but also as lawyers.

For me, I have to say that I only have to cut very few people from my lists of friends, contacts, whatever - good choice, realistic environment.


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