Thoughts on the pandemic - Part 2

There is no end to the madness, now it is a simple flu, if one is to believe the swindlers like the so-called vegan "celebrity chef" and their ilk - stupidly with the umpteen-fold number of deaths in comparative periods. Not to mention the multiplication of the consequences in the case of a severe course of disease - artificial respiration, for example, for months with a maximum 50% chance of survival - at whatever price.

My goodness, some people get their panties in a bunch because of a fabric mask in front of their face that supposedly restricts their freedom, while others are fighting for their lives in intensive care units. This loss of reality is incomprehensible.

But at least there is a ray of hope: the first biotech companies have announced that a vaccine will be available in mid-2021. Perhaps all this will soon come to an end; at the moment, restrictions on leaving the country and on public life are on the agenda.


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