Stumbling over stones - the event

After our planned event was not well received by Groundspeak, it is now only available on a private website and on Opencaching. The general response is rather moderate, some geocachers have signed up to participate, a mention in the newspaper report on the laying of new stones in Saarlouis brought no result - so only the rubber point that is important.

[Translate to English:] Über Steine stolpern

But so be it, we have then agreed in small round, some worked ahead because they had no time on the event day, others switched to other stones, because, for example, the stones in Dillingen should remain for the school AG of Annegret, or also because in Saarlouis folk festival exception condition was.

And so the places Schmelz and Hüttersdorf for Saarländer2011 and Co., Saarwellingen for the team 4plusX and Sucher/Finder, parts of Rehlingen-Siersburg for I.M.Herzog and Dottie and parts of Saarlouis were planned in advance for Sucher/Finder.

Beforehand, there were several test runs to see what was best for cleaning, but in the end the favorite remained a mixture of vinegar essence and water in a ratio of 1:1 with half a teaspoon of salt - the turbo boost for cleaning. What we tried:

  • Metal cleaner from the drugstore, kitchen sponge, water for rinsing, cloths for repolishing was very exhausting, because a lot of pressure has to be used, and the residue of the cleaner had to be rinsed off with lots of water.
  • Akkopads we have not dared, but know that someone has tried and found the result unsatisfactory.
  • Mixture of vinegar and water with half a teaspoon of salt was too weak, it took about 15 minutes per stone, the result was not satisfactory.
  • The courage mixture of vinegar essence and water in a ratio of 1:1 with half a teaspoon of salt, kitchen sponge, water and cloth for re-polishing gave not only the best but also the fastest results. Only in strong sunshine you must always keep the stone wet, otherwise color changes occur, which must be laboriously removed again. A brush has proven very useful here. Then rinse and polish.

Impermeable gloves are recommended, without them the fingers discolor significantly and it is questionable whether the vinegar mixture is healthy for the skin. And take enough sponges (they clog) and rags with you, polishing with wet rags is bad!

Shortly after 3 p.m. we left for Saarwellingen, where according to our list 79 stumbling blocks were waiting for our support. Oh man, how is that supposed to work? But our miracle mixture actually kept its promise and so we were able to visit laying site after laying site - which in Saarwellingen are indeed close together - and get to work.

During the plastering we noticed quite quickly that the strong sunlight and the associated high temperature of the metal alloy had a negative effect on the plastering, discoloration quickly occurred that had to be scrubbed away again, so we had to keep sufficiently wet and if possible provide shade with our bodies.

We had divided with seeker / finder the stones halfway fairly, the one right around, the other left around, after just under 1 1/2 hours we arrived almost simultaneously at the cars again to plow together still the Bahnhofstrasse.


The man who walked over the Stolpersteine in front of his house for 20 years and did not know they were there, let alone knew what was written on them. That has changed now.

Or the little boy on the scooter who asked us what we were doing and to whom we explained the meaning of the stones in child-friendly words. And who then accompanied us part of the way and looked for stumbling stones for us.

Shortly after 17 o'clock we were then finished, all stones cleaned, now it went back to Dillingen, because on the one hand the semi-final of the ice hockey world championship was waiting for me, on the other hand we had arranged with "Saarländer2011" in the "Oi" in Dillingen to the Event closure, tapas evening with Spanish folklore, which then ended around half past eleven. It is a pity that the event was accepted by so few, nevertheless the realization of the day remains: 133 stones cleaned in the district of Saarlouis!

Thanks to all who helped, no matter if on the day or before or after, especially to Nadia who was on the way with the scouts and Petra who even brought us into the Saarbrücker Zeitung on the occasion of the laying of new stones in Saarlouis.

It will not have been the last action.


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