On the motorway, ....

The plan was clear: today we were going to Neunkirchen to celebrate my birthday. We started on time, at 5 pm.

Between Heusweiler and Kreuz Saarbrücken, at around 120 km on the overtaking lane, we heard strange noises. At first we thought it was the road surface, but we weren't sure. So just 600m before the intersection we rented the hard shoulder.

There was no more tyre on the left rear, the entire sidewall was gone, the tread - hopefully - saved the aluminium rim, which fortunately did not fly away. I looked for a warning triangle, found it and set it up far behind the car.

And then I called the ADAC, because I don't work on the car on the motorway side. Actually, the Luxembourg TOTAL insurance was supposed to take care of it, but the employee on the phone reacted rather gruffly and referred to his closing time before he simply hung up.

Almost 2 hours later the ADAC man arrived, he had misunderstood the location and was looking for us on the wrong motorway. My goodness, this is a miserable job. Every time a truck showed up, the work was interrupted, the man went behind my car until the truck was gone, then continued. Somehow significant. Also telling that in the entire time we were standing there, not a single driver would have so much as taken their foot off the gas.

Well, all went well, spare wheel on, formalities done and then home again, all four of us with shaky knees.


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