
The term cyborg refers to a hybrid of biological organism and machine. It is usually used to describe people whose bodies are permanently supplemented by artificial components. The name is an acronym derived from the English cybernetic organism. As cyborgs are technically modified biological life forms, they should not be confused with androids or other robots.

Source: Wikipedia

Well, after many, many years, the time has come, I have become a spare parts store. After an accident in the summer, in which I once again tanned my knee, there is no going back, what was already predicted during the last cruciate ligament operation has become reality, my knee can no longer be saved in this form, the damage is too great, the body's own replacement is no longer available.

And so I went to the hospital on 23 November, the knee prosthesis was already ready, surgery one day later. So far, so good, everything went according to plan, until two days later the big move began, Corona had moved into the ward, rooms were cleared step by step, healthy patients had to move from room to room so that parts of the ward could be closed off.

This happened to me three times in the next few days, but everything has a good side: I was spared and was able to go to rehabilitation in Orscholz without any problems at the beginning of December.




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