A happy coincidence

We came to the Kaminklause rather like the virgin to ...., oh, let's not go there.

By chance, we found a meal voucher for this restaurant on our "note door frame" this week, well hidden behind other papers. So, what the heck, let's give it a try. Don't ask us who it was from, we don't remember, it's been there for over two years.

We quickly messaged two friends and it was clear that we needed a table for four. It's a good thing I called, the first date I wanted was booked, but there was still something available for today.
I don't think I would have ever been here without a voucher - which would have been a bitter loss.

Even though at first glance the menu seemed to be in the higher price range, after the evening I have to say - adequate, more than adequate.
We had chosen the "Kaminklausenplatte" for two, as a starter I took the grilled peppers.

What can I say, everything was just right, the size of the portions, the degree of cooking of the meat, the side dishes, everything was perfect. Only the inconspicuous chilli pepper that came with the vegetables was a bit of a miscalculation, I should be a bit more careful next time.
The service was also perfect, unobtrusive, friendly, attentive, what more could you want?

And while the others were enjoying some very nice, but also tasty desserts, I enjoyed a grappa of rarely experienced quality - I would have liked to have had more of it for home.

All in all, a very nice, successful evening in an excellent ambience, I will definitely come here again.


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