A few days at Vlissingen

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Not too long ago the question arose whether we should not go caching for a few days in June. From "saarbock" came the suggestion to go to Zeeland in the Netherlands. The search for an affordable accommodation turned out to be a bit difficult, but finally we found a "Bed & Breakfast" in Vlissingen, which we booked in the end. But more about that later.

After that we solved a lot of mysteries, checked Adventure Lab caches, arranged a date with our friends "De jongen Prinsen" and made the plan.

On June 7th it was time, at 10am we met at Mr. and Mrs. saarbock, at least once on time. Not much can be said about the trip:

  •     Germany - free ride for free citizens, top road condition
  •     Luxembourg - speed limit 130, zop road condition
  •     Belgium - speed limit 120, pothole rally, but illuminated
  •     Holland - speed limit 100, top road condition

Now it's later, we're here, at least that's what the sat nav says. A gas station? Hmm? Once around the block, still the gas station! What does it say? Reception, check in, right after all. Good that we had not booked breakfast, there was not because of illness. Parking space for the cars was available, garage for the ebikes too. But then I felt reminded of our vacation in Lisbon, steep wall climbing to the second floor (there were 4 floors), everything you need on about 16sqm, good that there are no neighbors, the bathroom with large, normal window without curtain or shutter, pure privacy.

When going in and out you have to be careful not to be beaten to death, so tight is the "Faulenzer" set.

Before check-in still a short walkaround with a few cachfunden, then unpack, then go eat. Restaurant 1 - closed, Restaurant 2 - closed, finally we landed at the ambulant Dönermann, which then surprised us positively. Good portions, Lecker Döner, friendly Bediehnung, which understood us well.

The second day at our resort began quite frustrating. We had an appointment with our Dutch friends "De jongen Prinsen" at the "water organ", because they wanted to celebrate their 10,000 find there. Actually we should go there by bike. Far from it, it rained in torrents, so nothing came of the cycling.

Nevertheless we went there, in the rain the Virtual was logged, afterwards we went to eat in the nearby Brasserie.

In the afternoon the rain let up, so that we could tackle some Lab-Caches, Tradis, Multis and Mysteries in Vlissingen. All caches could be found and solved, partly after a longer search, so that we ended the day still satisfied with a delicious Spanish dinner.

The day after the weather failure of yesterday started well. The team H.S.S. ((H)yppoderEinzige, (S)aarbock, (S)krolan3) had arranged for today with "De jongen Prinsen" to do, at least partially, the "Pig" round near Veere. All caches were solved in advance, today was to reap the harvest.

Depending on how we would get through, we still wanted to make a detour to Veere itself, let's see.

At 11am sharp we met in the parking lot at the first cache, bikes were made ready, then off we went. Until #34 we all stayed together, also ran the 6 caches that could not be done by bike, then the Prinsen said goodbye, they wanted to do the rest on another day. We made a detour via "Kerk" to collect the tradis there and the ALC station, then we went on quickly.

Unnoticed the sun had attacked me, only in the evening I noticed by the tension on my shoulders that I had been careless. We were able to find all the caches, which by the way were mostly very beautifully designed, more or less quickly and rewarded us at the end with the super bonus.

Afterwards we still drove with the cars to "Verre", but alone the parking fees of outrageous 5.20€ for one hour kept us from making more than one overpriced coffee and two Labstations, then it was over for today - 64 Found plus 3 Labstations stood there in the evening.

In contrast to last day, today the sky was quite cloudy again, so we decided to collect the remaining Labstations in and around Vlissingen as well as solved Mysteries and Tradis lying on the way.

At the end of the day we found 17 caches and a large number of lab stations, unfortunately two DNS ruined our previous 100% find average.

One of these two we will probably visit again, because we have received an additional tip from the owner.

Saturday the weather looked already completely different again, the sun laughed at us already early in the morning by the not darkening Gardinchen in our horror little room and thus the team decided, after a good breakfast in the cafe of the nearby shopping center, the whole "shit" in Zeeland aburäumem.

No sooner said than done, the cars were loaded and off we went.

At station 1 then the first disappointment, immediately the first four caches are not feasible by bike, so we have rescheduled and went the round backwards.

On the way we collected everything that was on the way and off the same, so the "Manteling" round, the Earthcache, a complete Lab, one started, a few solved mysteries and so on.

At the end of the day, which was held at a very good Spaniard in Vlissingen, we had more than 60 caches more on the account.

Sunday welcomed us again with a lot of sun. For Silvia and me it was over today, right after breakfast it should go off, off home. What we did not know, it should be the most expensive breakfast of the vacation. I'm not talking about the coffee, what I have echauffiert about Veere and its parking fees. And then we forget for breakfast the 2€/hour ticket! For the slip, which we found afterwards at the car, we could have parked 34 hours. So, remember:

Never forget your parking ticket in Holland!



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