There is no official way in komoot to convert a planned tour into a made tour. However, it happens that you have made a tour and did not have the possibility to record it. In this case you can export the planned tour as a GPX file and then import it again as a made tour. This is only possible on the website.
Open the planned tour on the website, where you will find the option "Download for GPS device" on the right side. After downloading the file, you can upload the GPX file using the + button on our website. Then you can save it, selecting the appropriate date and sport. A more detailed description is in our help article: Exporting and importing GPX files.
After the import you also have the possibility to upload photos and create HIghlights. This alternative also works if you have not planned a tour on komoot. You have to plan the tour first and then export and import it again. You can also save externally recorded GPX files as made tours. To be able to download GPX files, you must have unlocked the corresponding region.