
After more than two years of successful defense by means of triple vaccination and mask, the time had come!

Since last Sunday, so last weekend of June 2022 I have two streaks. Already on the days before I tested 2x daily, the rest of the family was positive since the beginning of the week. Three against one, that could not go well.

Even moving out into the bathtub was of no use, I was powerless against the virus invasion. OK, the thing with the bathtub is fiction, but I (and also the infected) have given our best that I remain spared. But no chance, on Sunday it hit me, the 8 o'clock test confirmed what the sore throat in the night had indicated:

Two red lines on the quick test!

Appointment at the test center booked, at 09:45 +15 minutes of anxious waiting then the confirmation that I can go directly across the street to the PCR.

Isolation, quarantine, the usual stuff.

The next days were characterized by hot flashes, sweating, permanent subliminal headaches, powerful sore throats, especially at night and a recurring strong cough up to almost vomiting. Also, I was hardly able to do any physical activities, 1/2 box of bubbles down 7 stairs was almost too much. And so I spent the days mostly lying down reading, Candy Crush Saga - am in level 4841 for that - and similar little games and Netflix, how good that the young ladies have a subscription.

In retrospect, I'm so glad that I've had the booster vaccination since November, I don't want to imagine a severe course, but that's another topic that has been permanently driving me up the wall since the appearance of Corona, all these people lying on the rag of society with a vacuum between their ears, who are still screaming around that Bill Gates wants to chip them and that it's all just propaganda. Unbelievable.

But back to the topic, on Thursday the official quarantine was over, the positive tests were not and some of my aches and pains would not admit defeat. And while all the others in the family were recovering, I was allowed to continue suffering - male corona!

We are now on day 8 after the initial diagnosis and nothing has changed much. My rapid tests are still positive and I'm coding around as if I hadn't given up smoking for the last 20 years, but continued to smoke diligently.

Finally, today, Monday, on the 9th day, both the morning and evening tests show only one line - rapid test negative, same game on Tuesday.

Am now better than Telefonica/O2, am now 4G - Vaccinated, Boosted, Recovered and Tested!


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