A sea trip ....

"I'm still missing this D/T rating and you told me that you have a boat, didn't you?" This request reached me a long time ago, the date had to be postponed again and again, sometimes no time here, sometimes no weather there, but today was the day:

The maiden voyage of the "Dreamliner" was on the agenda and two lonely paddlers had once again become a larger group, 8, 9 old familiar faces met to dedicate themselves to the „Erst pumpen….“ in Lauterbach.

Lugging all the equipment to the location was a bit exhausting, but already unpacking the "Dreamliner" showed the functioning teamwork. Although the boat was generously designed and could easily hold 5 - 6 people, we had to go in two stages in the end because the group was too big.

But no problem, the few metres could be covered several times until it started to get dark. We quickly vented, returned to the vehicles and stowed the boat. Finally, we looked for a small TB hotel, but by then it was already really dark.


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